Funicular Magazine

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D.S. Maolalai

in the sitting room
my girlfriend drinks wine
and talks with her friends
about marriage. in another room
I listen in quietly – mentioned
some days ago, in passing,
my difficulty buying
the ring. no plans
yet of anything
serious (ladies),
but still, I just wanted
to know. asked if I had permission
to pick up an easier
placeholder – something
she could wear
until we found
something better
than that. she said she was
ok with it, which was fine
for the both of us,
but her friends
think it’s rather

D.S. Maolalai has been nominated eight times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, "Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden" (Encircle Press, 2016) and "Sad Havoc Among the Birds" (Turas Press, 2019)

D has a brand new poem in Issue 7, available RIGHT NOW.

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