Funicular Magazine

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Once More, With Feeling

Welcome to Issue 11. Has it been four months already? It must have been because I’m sitting here at this desk and Jeremy says I can’t leave until the letter is done. He is tough but fair. According to the Funicular website that I just visited for the first time this year, it says we published our first issue in 2019. That was basically four years ago now. Four years, eleven issues, one new office chair for Jason, a handful of new laptops for Jeremy who goes through them way too fast. Hey Jeremy, cool it with all the computers, would you? So yeah, we’ve been doing this for awhile.

Although it may always feel like it’s winter in Canada, this is our official winter issue. If, by the time that you’re reading this, you feel a longing for snow or the icy cracking sounds that winter makes in a frozen household then you’re in luck. We don’t just bring the winter vibes here at Funicular. We bring all seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and that other season where our eyes are glued to Pairs Figure Skating for two weeks every four years. We may be coming to you from the 53rd parallel latitudinally, but Issue 11 of Funicular still delivers that eternal promise of spring.

From the Canadian prairies to the Sahara Desert, to a flooding Toronto basement, to the Green Mountains of Vermont, my favourite thing about Funicular is we bring all these stories and poems together from writers all over the world. It’s much cheaper to fly a story into Funicular headquarters than it is to fly in the story’s author and have them transcribe it here for us. These are the things you come to find out when you run a mildly successful western Canadian independent literary publishing concern.

Whatever part of the world you read Funicular in, we hope you enjoy every last page and thank you for your support. To paraphrase one of Issue 11’s contributors: once more, with feeling.

Knock yourselves out.