Funicular Magazine

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Volume Four, Issue Twelve!

Welcome to Issue 12! An even dozen. We can arrange each issue in a box just like donuts now. The mags are colourful enough. It would work really well! Funicular is better than a donut because it's more nutritious and you can enjoy it over and over again. Even sharing with a friend is more fun.

I recently spent a week at a writing retreat in rural Saskatchewan. It felt nice to hang out with writers again. When they would share their writing with the rest of the group it felt so intimidating because they're so damn good! It's a helluva thing, writing. When it's really good you just want to lick it up like it's an ice cream cone. The finale of the HBO show Succession happened recently and that was a show where the writing could not help but hit you right in your face and while it was happening you loved every second of it. On the other side of the same coin there is the Writers' Guild of America strike happening at the time I am sitting down to write this letter from the editors. We support the WGA and all involved as they fight for a deal that is fair. It's a tough thing for them to be doing but it's admirable to show people how boring all their favourite tv shows and movies would be without writers. We all need writers. Funicular needs writers too!

We continue to find writers from all over the world for our little magazine. Writers from Saskatoon and North Dakota, Chinese Singaporean and South Korean writers, writers from Bangalore and Newton, MA. To round it all out we have more local talent from Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. If you're a fan of any of the above, then you're really going to love this issue. If you're a fan of poetry then you're going to love it too. If you're a fan of stories about working in a casino, angels, sestinas, or the majestic coyote (canis latrans) then strap yourself in and enjoy these words that we carefully arranged for you in this specific order.

Knock yourselves out.