Funicular Magazine

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Update to Our Submission Process

Hello writers!

We want to let you in on two changes we’ll be making to our submission process. You’re short on time so I’ll let you know what they are right away. If you want to know why we’re making these changes you can keep reading.

  1. We will only be open for two weeks this submission period. You will have from Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 to submit your pieces.

  2. We have added a step to our submission page. You will now be asked to apply any appropriate Content Warnings to your submission.

Two Week Submission Period

Why only two weeks? The truth is, we’ve been overwhelmed by the support of writers around the world and your desire to be published in our magazine. In our last submission period we received around 4,000 pieces from well over 1,000 writers. This is incredibly encouraging, but also incredibly demanding. We’re hoping that by shrinking the submission window we can lower the quantity while expecting the same quality. So get on that writing thing.

Content Warnings

In the same way we appreciate our writers, we appreciate the individuals who help us wade into our submission queue each issue. The challenge is that sometimes they’re faced with reading stories and poetry that acts as a reminder of trauma or events they’ve experienced. Due to the fact that we also read blind, this content can easily catch people off guard. So to respect our pool of readers, we’re asking writers to identify content themes in their stories that we might encounter. This will help us decide who would be more comfortable reading certain types of stories.

This idea was suggested to us by one of our volunteer readers and both Jason and I agreed it was an excellent addition.

We want to make one thing clear: your submission will not be immediately rejected if it includes content of any nature listed below, but if we discover you have neglected to tag it properly, your submission will be rejected.

That’s it! That’s all! Happy writing. Happy submitting.