Funicular Magazine

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Issue 05 in 3...2...1...Go!

Issue 05 is ready for you and it finally answers the question we’ve all been dying to ask: what has everybody been up to during the pandemic? The answer is: writing your asses off!

We’re not going to lie to you and tell you that this issue is going to make you forget about your pandemic troubles (or troubleties as my niece calls them–Jason). There are a few pandemic-/COVID-/quarantine-related pieces in here, and they are excellent! This submission period we received more pieces than we ever have before. It feels like we just set that record, and now it’s already broken. The quality started high with this magazine since Issue 01 and has remained high. We’re very happy to share with you some great writers from our little hometown of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and we are thrilled to add new members to the Funicular Family from across Canada and around the world. New York City, we see you! We know you have writers there. We love you!

Putting this magazine together is hard work. Writing is hard work. Being a human being in 2020 is hard work. We are all doing the best we can and we are honoured to share these fine stories and poems with you. Championing these writers is as rewarding as it is exhausting, and we will bang the drum for literature until the drum breaks and the sticks break and all the drum skin in the world dries up or becomes extinct (we don’t know what drum skin is made of).

We thank you for supporting Funicular Magazine. We hope wherever you are reading this that you are safe and healthy and that your family and friends are as well. We hope that reading this magazine can ease the boredom of quarantine or the monotony of a day filled with Zoom meetings. We have all never been more connected than we are right now, for better or for worse. Funicular Magazine is another example of that as you read this in New Delhi, and Ponoka, and Charleston, and Nigeria, and even New York City. We made this magazine for you.

Knock yourself out.